Preparation - Grilling Accessories

Cross Cut Planks
Grilling planks cut to maximize that succulent barbequed wood flavor.
It's Simple - Just Soak It and Smoke It!
Cross cut grilling planks absorb liquid quickly. Just soak them in water, or the liquid of your choice - beer, red or white wine, apple or lemon juice, or any other liquid you prefer.
The best way to soak cross cut grilling planks is with a zip lock bag. Place the grilling planks inside the bag, add the liquid of your choice, squeeze the air out and close the bag. Use one cup of liquid for an average sized (6" - 12") cross cut grilling plank. Due to the nature of wood, the cross cut grilling planks will absorb at least 95% of the liquid in 20 minutes - 1 hour.
Have fun and experiment using different liquids and recipes, and share your experiences with us at!

Lumber Cut Planks
Traditional planks for adding rich wood flavor into your barbequed foods.
It's Simple - Just Soak It and Smoke It!
Lumber cut grilling planks will absorb liquid much slower than the cross cut grilling planks, and are better suited to slower grilling foods such as Turkey Tenderloin that will take 2 - 2½ hours of cooking time. Just soak them in water, or the liquid of your choice - beer, red or white wine, apple or lemon juice, or any other liquid you prefer.
Soak the lumber cut grilling planks in a bucket of water, or if you are using the smaller grilling planks, use a zip lock bag. Place the lumber cut planks into the bag or bucket, add the liquid of your choice, squeeze the air out, close the bag (as necessary) and allow the grilling planks to soak for at least 6 - 8 hours. Soaking overnight is recommended for the best result.
Have fun and experiment using different liquids and recipes, and share your experiences with us at!

Smoking Chips
A perfect addition to your grill, brings out a smoky flavor that can't be beat.
It's Simple - Just Soak It and Smoke It!
Soak the smoking chips in water, or for added flavor, try soaking your smoking chips in your choice of liquid - beer, red or white wine, apple or lemon juice, or any other liquid you prefer.
The best way to soak the smoking chips is in a zip lock bag. Place the chips inside the bag, add the liquid of your choice, squeeze the air out and close the bag. Soak the chips for 15 - 30 minutes or longer as desired, keeping them totally immersed.
Once the chips are thoroughly soaked, place them on the grill. If you have a charcoal barbeque, you have the option of simply placing the smoking chips directly on your charcoal, otherwise use the Smokerin™ smoker box.
Have fun and experiment using different liquids and recipes, and share your experiences with us at!